Our Lady’s Grotto. Dunoon
Our Lady’s Grotto.
Mary is the Mother of Jesus, and because of this, she is also the Mother of the Catholic Church and Mother of all the faithful. She sets a great example for us of unwavering faith and trust in God. Mary comes to our aid to help us; she is a mother who wants to see all of us love God and listen to her Son.
May Procession
Our Lady is our patron along with St Mun, to honour Mary this month of May a small procession and mass was held on Friday 20th May. In spite of the rain, a good number of parishioners attended and joyfully prayed and sang as we processed to Our Lady’s Grotto.
Our children presented flowers and candles to Our Lady whilst we sang ‘Flowers of the rarest’. It was a lovely celebration, enjoyed by all and certainly to be repeated.

Our Lady’s Grotto in 1928

Our Lady’s Grotto in 1928