A Contemporary of St Columba, though much younger, St Mun come over from Ireland intending to join the Monastery at Iona. But it is said that St Columba, before he died, predicted that the young man was to become a great Abbot in Ireland.
He lived for a time on the Island on Loch Leven, which still bears his name. He founded a monastic community at Kilmun near Dunoon.
He later returned to his native land and founded a monastery Teach-Mun (TAGMON), in Wexford, which became famous under his rule. He has the reputation of being the most austere of all the Celtic Saints.
He died in the year 635. His name appears in the Scottish records as Mund, Mundas, or Munda. In Ireland he is known as St Fintan……..Munnu. His Feast is on the 21st October